Hillsboro-Deering School District 1:1 Chromebook Guidelines

    Proper Care - Guidelines to ensure long life expectancy for the student's Chromebook.

    1. Screen:

    1. Protect the screen by opening/closing the lid gently. Do not pick up the Chromebook by the open screen.

    2. Avoid placing weight or pressure on the lid.

    2. Hinges:

    1. Stress on the hinges of the Chromebook creates another potential for Chromebook damage.

    2. Open/close the Chromebook gently, grasp the center of the lid and not the corner.

    3. Cord:

    1. The connector on the power cord can be subject to damage if the cord is pulled or the device is moved while being plugged in.

    2. Avoid stretching the cord across an area where it can be snagged or tripped over.

    3. Move the Chromebook close to the power source and always disconnect the power cord before moving the Chromebook.

    4. Cleaning the Chromebook screen:

    1. Clean with a lightly moistened (water ONLY or a spray purchased explicitly for computer screens) soft cloth.

    2. NO Windex, Lysol, or products containing alcohol, ammonia, or other strong solvents.

    3. Do NOT use paper towels or Kleenex to wipe the screen.

    4. Microfiber clothes work the best.

    5. Proper handling:

    1. Carry the Chromebook with both hands.

    2. Close lid while carrying

    3. Ensure there are no school supplies (pens, pencils, etc.) when shutting the lid.

    4. A student Chromebook should be securely placed on a desk or table when using it during class—not put on your lap.

    6. Safely store the Chromebook:

    1. Do NOT leave your Chromebook unattended on or off school grounds

    2. Keep your Chromebook in a secure space when not in use.

    3. Never leave your Chromebook lying on the floor, seat, bed, or other space where it will likely get stepped on or sat on. This is a common way to break your screen.

    4. Keep food and drink away from your Chromebook.

    5. Do NOT let your Chromebook get wet, and keep it out of extreme weather conditions (cold and heat). DO NOT leave in a vehicle.

    1. Each Chromebook will have a district inventory tag placed on the device. The asset tag should NOT be removed. However, if it is, please notify the technology department.

    2. No other personalization will be allowed - no stickers, markers, or writing of any kind on the Chromebook. This will warrant replacement by a student and or parent of the Chromebook at the end of the school year.

    Returning A Chromebook
    1. If a student withdraws from HDSD, they must return their Chromebook. Failure to do so may result in the District filing a stolen property report with the local law enforcement agency. In addition, any unpaid repair or replacement costs at the time of withdrawal may be turned over to a collection agency. Chromebooks will be regarded the same as textbooks, uniforms, lunch charges, etc. If not returned, the value of the Chromebook must be paid.

    Repairs HDSD School District WILL NOT cover (the parent/guardian will pay for the repair and/or replacement of the device, whichever is less):

    • Theft, burglary, or robbery of the Chromebook without a police report

    • Accidental loss of the Chromebook

    • Intentional loss or damage to the Chromebook or damage due to negligence

    • Loss of power cord

    • Illegal use or fraud of the Chromebook

    • Dishonest acts, including selling Chromebook

    • Cosmetic damage to the physical appearance that does not hinder the regular operation

    • Insect or animal damage

    • Any other use the school district deems inappropriate. The principal, technology coordinator, and/or superintendent makes the final decision if there is a discrepancy on if the incident causing the needed repair was because of inappropriate actions.

    Repairs the vendor's one-year warranty WILL cover:

    • The vendor warrants the Chromebook from defects in materials and workmanship.

    • The limited warranty covers mechanical breakdown and/or faulty construction.

    • The vendor will provide standard replacement parts necessary to repair the Chromebook or if required, a Chromebook replacement.

    Estimated Costs of Chromebook repairs/replacements (subject to change per vendor costs):

    • Replacement - $250
    Student Information/Responsibilities
    1. This Chromebook is assigned to students for school use only throughout the school day. However, students are encouraged to use it for classwork when it is appropriate. Each teacher will govern when the Chromebook is needed and can be used in their classroom.

    2. The Chromebook is a learning tool, so it will not be used 100% of classroom time.

    3. Make sure your device is charged and ready for use at the beginning of each school day. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to allow you to charge your device at school. Therefore, you are expected to bring your Chromebook to school each day and to all classes unless expressly advised not to do so by the teacher.

    4. Protect your Chromebook by carrying it properly. Please do not leave your Chromebook in places where it may be damaged, stepped on, sat on, or stolen.

    Use of the Chromebook provided to the student by the school district is a privilege, not a right. The School District's loan of equipment is provided for educational purposes only. Unauthorized and inappropriate use will result in cancellation and/or loss of this privilege.
    1. Respect teachers' instructions regarding the use of your Chromebook.

    2. Follow HDSD's computer acceptable use policy. School handbook and all local, state, and federal laws.

    3. All repairs are to be made by the HDSD School District technology department.

    4. Students are NOT to attempt to repair their Chromebooks. Students are also not to take their Chromebooks to an outside source to be repaired.

    5. Background and themes- inappropriate media may not be used as Chromebook backgrounds or themes. The presence of such media will result in disciplinary action.

    6. Sound must always be muted unless the teacher gives permission.

    7. Students will NEVER share their Chromebook or Chromebook charger with another student.

    8. When using your Chromebook outside of school, without a WiFi connection, you can still use google docs, sheets, and slides in an offline mode. Students are bound by the HDSD Computer Acceptable Use Policy wherever they use their Chromebook.

    9. Students may not download/install any other operating system on their Chromebook. The Chromebook operating system, Chrome OS, updates itself automatically. Therefore, there is no need for additional virus protection.

    10. Students are prohibited from using cameras and other electronic equipment/devices to capture or record tests, information, or any additional information in a manner constituting fraud, theft, or academic dishonesty. Similarly, students are prohibited from using cameras and other electronic equipment and devices to capture or record the words (i.e., audio) and/or images (i.e., pictures/video) of any student, staff member, or other people in the school or while attending a school-related activity, without express prior notice and explicit consent for the capture and/or recording of such words or images. Using a camera or other electronic equipment/devices to capture or record audio and/or pictures/video of an individual without their consent is considered an invasion of privacy. Therefore, it is not permitted unless authorized by the building principal. Cameras and electronic equipment/devices are expressly banned from and may not be possessed, activated, or utilized at any time in any school situation where a reasonable expectation of personal privacy exists. These locations and circumstances include but are not limited to locker rooms, shower facilities, restrooms, classrooms, and any other areas where students or others may change clothes or be in any stage or degree of disrobing or changing clothes. The building principal has the authority to determine other specific locations and situations where possession of a camera or other electronic equipment/device is prohibited.

    11. Your school-assigned email is to be used for school purposes ONLY.

    No Expectation of Privacy

    Students have no expectation of confidentiality or privacy concerning any usage of a Chromebook, regardless of whether that use is for District related or personal purposes, other than as expressly provided by law. Without prior notice or consent, the District may log, supervise, access, view, monitor, and record use of student Chromebooks at any time for any reason related to the operation of the District. By using a Chromebook, students agree to such access, monitoring, and recording their use. In addition, teachers, school administrators, and the technology department staff may employ monitoring software that allows them to view the screens and activity on student Chromebooks. For the school district to ensure the continued accessibility of its Chromebooks, network, and the internet, all students and faculty must take responsibility for the appropriate and lawful use of this access.

    Appropriate Uses and Digital Citizenship

    The school-issued Chromebooks should be used for educational purposes, and students are always to adhere to the Computer Acceptable Use Policy and all its related administrative procedures. While working in a digital and collaborative environment, students should always conduct themselves as good digital citizens by adhering to the following:

    1. Respect Yourself: I will show respect for myself through my actions. I will select online names that are appropriate. I will use caution with the information, images, and other media that I post online. I will carefully consider what personal information about my life, experiences, or relationships I post. I will not be obscene. I will act with integrity.

    2. Protect Yourself: I will ensure that the information, images, and materials I post online will not put me at risk. I will not publish my details, contact details, or a schedule of my activities. I will report any attacks or inappropriate behavior directed at me while online. I will protect passwords, accounts, and resources.

    3. Respect Others: I will show respect to others. I will not use electronic mediums to antagonize, bully, harass, or stalk people. I will show respect for other people in my choice of websites: I will not visit sites that are degrading to others, pornographic, racist, or inappropriate. I will not enter other people's private spaces or areas.

    4. Protect Others: I will protect others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications. In addition, I will avoid inappropriate materials and conversations.

    5. Respect Intellectual Property: I will request permission to use copyrighted or otherwise protected materials. I will suitably cite all use of websites, books, media, etc. I will acknowledge all primary sources. I will validate the information. I will use and abide by the fair use rules.

    6. Protect Intellectual Property: I will request to use the software and media others produce. I will purchase, license, and register all software or use free and open-source alternatives rather than pirating software. I will purchase my music and media and refrain from distributing these in a manner that violates their licenses.

    Disciplinary Actions

    All violations will be handled as any other infraction of school board policy. The building administration will determine the consequences of breaking this agreement based on the offense and age of the student.

    Many sites on the internet can be potentially dangerous to minors. These sites are blocked with the district content filter to the best of its ability; however, nothing is 100%. Students may be unprotected outside of school. Students are in violation of district policy if they access these sites through other means. While the school's teacher and other staff will make reasonable efforts to supervise students' use of network and internet access, they must have student cooperation in exercising and promoting acceptable use of technology. Parents should monitor their students' home internet access.