Hillsboro-Deering School District Policies
- D - Fiscal Management
- DA Fiscal Management Plan
- DAF Administration of Federal Grant Funds
- DAFB-Equivalence in Instructional Staff and Materials
- DBJ Transfer of Appropriation
- DDB Old School Association Loan Fund
- DDC Haslet Fund
- DFA Investment Policy
- DGA Authorized Signatures
- DI Fiscal Accounting and Reporting
- DIA Fund Balances
- DID Fixed Assets - Inventories
- DJB Purchasing Policy
- DJE Bidding Policy
- DK Payments Checks and Manifests
- DKA Payroll Procedures
- DKAA 403b Retirement Savings
- DKB Deductions from Salaries for Employees Exempt from Overtime
- DN Equipment and Supply Sales